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The season isn't complete until you've watched your favorite holiday movie, right? Let's have a little fun this holiday season 和 imagine how an insurance company might h和le a few Christmas movie mishaps.


The Griswold family faces plenty of mishaps around the holidays, but there's one particularly damaging instance that st和s out—at least from an insurance perspective. 格里斯沃尔德一家(好吧, 让我们面对现实吧, mostly Clark) is excited to bring home their oversized Christmas tree. And while it makes a beautiful addition to the living room, included is an unwelcome guest.

A squirrel pops out unexpectedly from the tree on a quiet evening, 引起家人的恐慌, 这条狗快要发狂了, 混乱随之而来. 随后, the Griswold family home is left with some serious damages, 是狗和松鼠造成的. Would these damages be covered by their homeowners insurance policy?

答案通常是否定的. 虽然每个政策都不一样, most homeowners policies do not cover damage caused by rodents (yes, 松鼠(啮齿动物)或宠物造成的损害, 包括狗和猫.1



Toward the end of "圣诞故事," Ralphie nearly does just that. Luckily, Ralphie doesn't require medical attention after discharging the Red Ryder BB gun. 但他最终还是打破了他的眼镜. Would a replacement pair be covered by insurance?

The Affordable Care Act requires that vision 和 dental care be provided for children through all health plans—whether offered through the Marketplace, 个人大发888dafa市场, 或者通过雇主赞助的计划. While there are exceptions for older plans with gr和fathered status, the majority of health plans still offer this benefit.2

Pediatric vision benefits typically include annual eye exams, 矫正镜片(眼镜和/或隐形眼镜), 还有视力筛查. Depending on the requirements 和 limits of Ralphie's health insurance coverage, a replacement pair of glasses could very well be covered—but that doesn't exempt him from a mouth full of red soap.


Nothing's more traumatizing than seeing Santa fall off the roof—just ask Charlie 和 Scott Calvin. 我们大多数人都记得, this Christmas classic continues with Scott putting on Santa's suit, 长胡子,长肚子, 和, 最终, 搬到北极. While we can presume that the original Santa… ahem, 踢拐杖糖,为了大发888dafa, 让我们假设他受了重伤.

How would Scott Calvin's homeowners insurance h和le an injury on his property? 这些保单包括责任大发888dafa, which typically protect homeowners like Scott from bodily injury lawsuits—if, 说, 夫人. 从句想采取法律行动. It's possible that his homeowners policy also includes no-fault medical coverage, which would help pay the medical bills of the injured party if they were hurt on his property.


Instances of robbery 和 personal larceny increase by about 20 percent in the month of December. While it's unclear whether that statistic includes data collected from Whoville, Cindy Lou Who 和 the rest of the village have plenty of reason to be wary this holiday season.3

It'd be pretty remarkable for your household to receive a visit from the Grinch, but if a burglar does take the presents from under your tree, 更换它们的费用在大发888dafa范围内吗?

It's likely that if property is stolen from your home (e.g., 圣诞树下的圣诞礼物), your personal property coverage under your homeowners insurance will help cover the cost to replace them. 在这个例子中, you'll want to have receipts showing the value of the items (we hope the Whos were organized).

从那里, your insurance company may send out a claims adjustor or use a formula to determine how much you will get back through your insurance claim.

从我们家到你们家, we hope you enjoyed reliving some cherished Christmas classics 和 their greatest mishaps. 祝你身体健康, 快乐, 和 merry Christmas—和 one free from squirrels 和 falling Santas!

1. Policygenius.网站,2021年3月16日
2. 中央社报道.com, 2022
3. Hg.org, 2022

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 请咨询法律或税务 professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed 和 produced by 消费品套件 to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. 消费品, 有限责任公司, 不隶属于指定的经纪自营商, 在州或证券交易委员会注册 投资咨询公司. The opinions expressed 和 material provided are for general information, 和 should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. 版权 消费品套件.


谢谢你!! 哦!


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